Monday, May 20, 2024

Today was quite a lovely ride! The temp was a bit warm, but you create your own breeze by riding, so it was fine.
We started by touring the basilica.

The crypt down below:

Next the Treasury (until a docent told me “No photo”):
As they said to Indiana Jones, “Choose wisely.” So many challices to choose from.

These figures are made of fabric! So amazing!
Then we started the climb up to the dome. (Stage one.)
Intermediate view from the white base below the dome:
Then up another, even more narrow spiral staircase that went up endlessly to the copper dome itself.

That’s one looking down, one looking up.

Then we walked all the way around the dome, getting a 360-degree view. It’s Hungary in this side of the river and Slovakia on the far side.
Then back down the spiral stairs!
Then back down the spiral stairs!
And on to the basilica itself.

I thought the art here was lovely.

Then we packed up and headed back north across the river to Slovakia and had an even better view of the basilica!

The bike path on the north side of the Danube was spectacular! (At some point, we left Slovakia and re-entered Hungary, as the border changes and Hungary is on both sides.)

Here is Rick pointing out to me what stinging nettles look like. (There weren’t a lot and neither of us touched any.)

More shots of the trail and views from there.
And we arrived at Veroce, Hungary, where we are staying in a little apartment. Currently sitting on the porch listening to the rain on the roof. We have been super lucky to avoid getting rained on so far and made it here about an hour before it started.

We went out to dinner around 8 pm. The first restaurant was supposedly open until 9, but I’m pretty sure we saw the folks who ran it getting in their van and leaving. So on to the next one. Closed. And then the pizza parlor. Open! We got two pizzas and two sodas. Price: 9000 forints! Or about $27.