Saturday, May 18, 2024

The next day we wandered around a good bit. It’s really lovely city! Beautiful architecture.

We went to a butterfly house. The blue ones are blue morphos.

Visited several churches.

Then I went to a concert back at Schonbrun Palace.

Thursday, we went to see Lipizzaner stallions. The full shows were only on weekends and we would be gone by then, so we went to a training session. Had hoped it would be a practice run for the full show, but it was mostly horses walking in circles, sometimes using fancy footwork.

Next, we went to the Austrian Imperial Treasury where they keep lots of old treasures.

Followed by a history museum.

Then, after more wandering, we went to the Prater, an amusement park.


Rick in the middle, then on the left:

From the Ferris wheel:

Yesterday we left Vienna. The weather prediction was for rain, so we left relatively early (for us). Got to the intersection of a village called Orth, where supposedly there was a ferry across the Danube. But nope. It seemed like the rain was likely to hit any time, so we got a recommendation for a place to stay in Orth – Pension Maria (pension being a B&B). It was lovely and this morning they served a wonderful breakfast!

This morning, we headed out, still on the north side of the Danube. A lot of it looked like this:

But there were little wetland areas along the way. Oh, and I saw a fox crossing the bike path! Too fast for me to get a photo of course.

We kept going and somewhere along the line, we crossed out of Austria, into Slovakia.

About halfway from Orth to Bratislava, we visited another castle.

It’s on top of that hill! The path was a 13% incline, so we parked the bikes at one point and hiked up. (Oh! My calves!)

Great overlook! Here is a picture where you can see a white spiked thing in the distance. It’s the bridge we took to cross the Danube to reach the castle, which was in Hainburg.

We eat a lot of snacks as we bike to keep up our energy. Here is Rick counting exactly how many chocolate-covered banana treats are in a box. (48)

Oh yes, with underwear and socks drying on a line.

And here is our favorite type of food store, because they (sometimes) sell wafflen, these sugary waffles. Delish! Also, a tart cherry juice that is yummy and not THAT tart.

The bike path into Bratislava was great! Roomy bike and pedestrian paths are built under the main car bridge, and tons of people were using it.

Here are views of Bratislava as we biked in, including one from the bridge going north into the city.

All the countries we’ve been in essentially have had English as a second language. Even here in Slovakia.

That’s a picture taken at the Bratislava train station. We took a train from Bratislava to Komarno, Slovakia. Here is the hotel we are in at Komarno tonight.