240319-Headed back to Europe

It’s hard to believe that my last time cycling in Europe was 2019, almost 5 years ago! A lot has changed since then, both for the world in general and me in specific. But it’s time to literally and figuratively move on.

I’ve had three bike tours in the US now, ranging from 1-3 weeks. In answer to all those who, over the years, have asked, “Why don’t you bike in Europe?”. Because touring in the US is terrible (for those who would debate that point, at least in contrast to Europe). Now, back to Europe:

Wed., May 1, 2024:  Raleigh/Durham > Munich

When last in Hungary I wanted to spend more time cycling there, but was on a timeline. The current plan is landing in Munich and riding a loop from Ingolstadt > Budapest > Munich. That takes me along part of Eurovelo 6 from Ingolstadt to Budapest (following the same route in reverse that I followed back on the Istanbul to Ireland trip). From Budapest I travel across Hungary along Lake Balaton on Eurovelo 14, cycling up into the Alps and then down into Salzburg and back across to Munich.

For the first half (Munich to Budapest) I’m bringing a friend with me. While she’s camped, she’s never done any cycle touring, so EV6 works out to be a good choice, and what for once is the downhill direction. Training for her has already started! There’s also the fun of gearing her up!