I made a leisurely start at the hostel Wednesday morning. Linda arrived before noon. We got her checked in and settled in, and left the hostel to explore the castles of Salzburg. I’ve visited a lot of castles, and the fortress in Salzburg disappointed. The rooms were filled with a hodgepodge of random historical displays.

We also visited St. Peter’s Church

and the cemetery used in The Sound of Music, and the catacombs cut into the side of the mountain.

We ended our exploration with Palace Mirabelle and the associated gardens.

I spent a lot of the early evening with Linda wanting to know the next stages of the plan, while I was still busy trying to figure out the next stages of the plan.

For most of the trip, I’d followed water. But the route between Salzburg and Munich crosses water instead of following it. Attempts to determine a route kept showing elevation tracks with repeated long 20% climbs across the course of the day, Which didn’t sound fun. I eventually identified Via Julia, an old Roman road, that led to just south of Munich. However, I’ve followed old Roman roads before. The Romans tended to not care about things like elevation changes. I started to feel like there was no path to Munich. Every route just crossed too much of the foothills.

In the end I decided to try something different. Instead of crossing in the generally most straight of a line to Munich, I would head further north, farther away from the mountains before I turned west towards Munich. That looked to reduce the number of times I had radical shifts in elevation.

The hostel plays The Sound of Music (based, and mostly filmed in, Salzburg) every night, which Linda and I watched together. I’ve now watched The Sound of Music in Salzburg, Eurotrip in Bratislava, The Quiet Man in Cong, and The Lord of the Rings in New Zealand. Amuses me.

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